Gnome stronghold
Gnome stronghold

gnome stronghold

Ever curious, gnomes were drawn to adventure more often by a desire to see the world than out of greed or the hope of fame. Gnomes were naturally witty and jovial, and they preferred to overcome obstacles through cunning and innovation rather than the obvious way. Most gnomes were content to live simple lives, acquiring knowledge merely as a hobby but others explored lost ruins, delved deep into the heart of the world, and conducted dangerous research in their unquenchable thirst for knowledge, leading more than a few to an untimely demise. Gnomes might have lacked the drive and ambition of other races, particularly humans, but their creativity gave them a strong ability for ingenuity. Gnomes were an intelligent and innately curious race. They similarly preferred jewelry with earthen tones. In terms of clothing, gnomes often preferred those with earthen tones or made of leather.

gnome stronghold

Gnomish eyes were often-particularly in individuals who were native to the Feywild-glittering black or blue, although more natural eye colors were also known to the race.

gnome stronghold

Similarly, gnomish hair varied wildly in color from blond and brown to more exotic colors like white, orange, or even green.

#Gnome stronghold skin

The skin of gnomes ran in hue from reddish tans to earthy browns or even shades of gray, with exact hue somewhat dependent upon the ethnic origin of a gnome. Many gnomes had a more feral appearance than either, however, with hair that often sprouted from their heads in odd directions. While halflings were commonly said to resemble short humans, gnomes were more comparable with elves, with whom they shared pointed ears and high cheekbones, or even dwarves, due to their tendency to grow beards and live underground. Gnomes were very small compared to most other races and, with an average height ranging between 3′0″‒4′0″ (0.91‒1.2 m) and a weight range of 40‒45 lb (18‒20 kg), gnomes were generally larger and heavier than halflings, though forest gnomes – ranging between 2′1″‒2′10″ (0.64‒0.86 m) in height and 21‒35 lb (9.5‒16 kg) in weight – tended to be smaller than halflings, leading some scholars to erroneously classify all gnomish races as "smaller than the Hin".

Gnome stronghold